Thursday, April 19, 2012

Imperial Outpost 2000 Point Tournament, Game 2

The second game of the tournament was against Andre (someone that I talk to a fair bit, but have yet to play a game against). Andre was playing a Tyranid army that I believe he picked up fairly recently. It was a neat list, where everything was able to Deep Strike. 2 Hive Tyrants, 42 Gargoyles, 3 Zoanthrope, Doom of Malan-tai, and about 7 Warriors.

The Doom was the star and was able to kill the majority of the Wraithguard of one squad, while the other was locked in with the shooty Hive Tyrant. The Wraithlords did well, managing to kill 3 Zoanthropes, a Hive Tyrant, and 34 or so Gargoyles.

Andre beat me in this one pretty well, the only remaining units were 2 Wraithlords with 1 wounds.

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