I played in my first tournament at my favorite game store, Imperial Outpost April 14, 2012. I did terrible, but I didn't really expect to do well.
The tournament was interesting due to the special "envelopes" that everyone received. When a certain stipulation on the envelope was reached, you got a bonus that correlated to the stipulation. I believe it was based on Risk: Legacy.
Anyways, for my list, I brought the following:
Farseer: Fortune, Doom, Spirit Stones, Runes of Warding
Wraithguard x10: Spiritseer, Conceal
Wraithguard x10: Spiritseer, Conceal
Pathfinder x5
Pathfinder x5
Wraithlord: Brightlance, EML
Wraithlord: Brightlance, EML
Wraithlord: Brightlance, EML
My first game was against Bill and his Necrons. He had lots of Scarabs (I believe 16 by the time they charged), as well as 2 Monoliths, and a C'tan.

The highlight of this game involved my Avatar. While at his full wounds, he charged a squad of Warriors in front of the Monolith, then used sweeping advance and ran them down. That met one of the requirements on an envelope, and opening reveled that he gained Rage. So, to consolidate, I was forced to consolidate in front of the Monolith, which promptly sucked him in to the doorway.
I thought I might have a chance with this one, but made a lot of mistakes. Bill won by a fair margin.
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