My list was the same as the list I used for my first tournament:
20 Wraithguard
10 Pathfinders
7 Harlequins
3 Wraithlords
Andrew brought:
Sanguinary Priest
10 Man Sternguard Squad, Fist
10 Man Assault Squad: Thunderhammer
3 Attack Bikes: Meltas
2, 10 Man Tactical Squads
10 Man Scout Squad: Snipers and 1 Missle
10 Man Devastator Squad: 2 Lascannon, 2 Missle
Baal Predator
Always a good sign when the Space Marines outnumber you, right?
We rolled for what kind of mission we would play, and got Battle Missions, then rolled for which one. We got Space Marine Mission: Surprise Attack.
In this mission, I (as the enemy), must deploy anywhere 12 inches from the table edge, but I'm forced to keep 6" between all the units, which makes me spread out. This is less than ideal for my army most of the time.
Andrew didn't deploy anything on the table, and was allowed to move in 1st turn from any edge he wanted.
With a large building in the center, I figured I would deploy around that. My Pathfinders were on top of the building, while the Wraithlords deployed along the right short edge. The Wraithguard were deployed on either side, with the Avatar and Harlequins in the center as counter assault units.
As per the mission, Andrew got first turn with no chance for me to steal. He did decide to infiltrate his Scouts and put them on top of a building away from everything.
Andrew 1:
Everything rolls on, The Baal, Vindicator, Attack Bikes, and Sternguard (joined by the Librarian and Priest), all came in on the side that had the Wraithguard with Farseer. The Assault marines moved in to position to charge the other Wraithguard Squad, while the 2 Tactical Marine squads moved in to provide support behind and to the side of them. Finally, the Devastators chose the table edge furthest from me, where they would stay the rest of the game
Shooting from the Sternguard and Baal kill off 3 or 4 Wraithguard, but by doing so makes the Vindicator out of range. The other Wraithguard squad gets shot a bit, then is charged by the Assault squad, who kill a few with the Thunderhammer on the Sergeant.
Kyle 1:
I begin my counter assault. The Avatar moves to help with the Assault Squad, while the Farseer squad Fortunes moves closer to the Sternguard. The Harlequins follow behind them, while the Wraithlords move to shoot the tanks. Shooting sees a few Sternguard die, while the Wraithlords take of the assault cannon of the Baal. The Pathfinders kill a few from the closest Tac squad, but don't pin.
Assault sees the Avatar charge the Assault Marines, the Farseer squad charges the Sternguard. I believe everyone stayed locked.
Andrew 2:
The Dread and the Tanks move a bit closer to try to get into assault/shooting range. Shooting from the Devastators/Scouts kill 2 Pathfinders. Harlequin Veil stops the Vindicator and Attack Bikes from shooting them. Baal fails to hurt Wraithlords.
In assault, the Avatar beats the Assault Marines, but fails to catch them (I needed a 4+ since the Marines managed to get a 6). The Librarian and Sternguard killed all but 1 Wraithguard and the Farseer, but the combat continues.
Kyle 2:
Avatar and 2 remaining Wraithguard move towards the Dread, while the Harlequins try to reach the Farseer. In the shooting phase the Scouts pin the Tac Squad they shot at turn 1, while the Wraithlords fail to do anything to the Tanks. The Avatar Wailing Dooms the Dread, which leaves him in the open. The Harlequins are out of assault range by a hair, but the combat does nothing.
Andrew 3:
Shooting manages to Kill all but the Shadowseer in the Harlequin Squad, the Avatar takes 2 wounds from the combined Scouts/Devs, the Assault Marines rally and charge the remaining Wraithguard, killing the squad. The Farseer Wraithguards are killed by the Librarian and the Stern fist.
Kyle 3:
The Wraithlords manage to kill the Vindicator with shooting. The Avatar charges the Tac Squad, while the Shadowseer charges the Stern. The Avatar wiped out the Tac, the Shadowseer fails to do anything and is killed, as is the Farseer. Pathfinders shoot the Assault, but don't pin them.
Andrew 4:
Shooting from the Sternguard and the Baal kill 1 Wraithlord and leaves another with 1 wound. Devastators/Scouts leave the Avatar at 1 wound.
Kyle 4:
The 1 wound Wraithlord kills the Librarian and Priest, the Avatar charges and kills the other Tac squad.
Andrew 5:
The remaining 2 Stern finish off the wounded Wraithlord, while the Assault marines charge and kill 1 Pathfinder squad.
Kyle 5:
The Wraithlord finishes of the Sternguard, the Pathfinder can't see the Assault marines and their impending doom, so shoot the Scouts.
Andrew 6:
The Assaults kill the Pathfinders, all the multi-meltas miss the remaining Wraithlord.
Kyle 6:
The Wraithlord shots, then charges and kills the Attack Bikes.
The game ends at Turn 6.
With the modified kill point rules (3 for HQ, 1 for Troops, 2 for everything else), the result was 15 KP for me, against Andrews 16.
Andrew Moves On
Turn 3ish
A narrow loss, but it was a great game.
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